I’m currently employed in a law enforcement data science team where I specialise in geographical information. I am interested in crime analysis, particularly the geographical distribution of crimes, their concentration and how that relates to the physical and built environment. More generally, I am interested in using a range of data sources to understand and seek to improve public safety problems and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
The content on this site, including all blog posts, articles, and opinions, represents my own views and not those of any employer, company, or organisation I may be affiliated with.
Recent Posts
Finding stable targets for strategies
June 11, 2024
Analysts in policing are frequently asked to prioritise and rank order places and people. Usually, it involves recent data, typically the last 12 months or less, and we expect there will be a disproportionate concentration to focus on. Are these concentrations stable among particular people and places? Are there developmental...
Creating safe public spaces for women and girls
April 05, 2024
At a time when the safety of women and girls in public spaces continues to be of paramount concern, this post looks to spatial analytical methods and related responses for improving safety. Over the last few years, I’ve completed several pieces of work exploring the safety of public spaces for...
Record linkage made easy
March 20, 2024
Merging multiple datasets and gaining a view of unique persons in administrative data is a regular obstacle for data professionals. But with Splink that process can be fast, accurate and scaleable. We often need to collate a single-person view in criminal justice and law enforcement. It may be to understand...
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